Jerusalem Project 2015 – Information and Updates

Friday Update:

Cost for Friday Fun Day will be $11.00.  In the past JP has offset this cost, but this year the jobs used all the money (plus some).  The $11 gets you a movie ticket (Minions starting at 12:00), a small drink, small popcorn, a $3.00 video game card, bowling shoes, and unlimited bowling while there after our movie.  Whenever we leave Big E we will go to Bennie and Tammy Brown’s house for a JP close out pool party and eat some pizza until it’s time to go back to BRE for the close out session.  Bring a backpack with a change of clothes and whatever you need.  This will be an all day event. Doors open at 6:30 and starts at 7:00. We should be back at CBC at 9:30ish.

Payment of registration fee:

If you registered and still need to make a payment you have a few options.

  • You can pay in person to me (Brian) or Christy (you can pay cash, check made out to Corinth Baptist Church, or credit/debit card)
  • You can pay Angie in the church office during office hours
  • You can pay online using the link below:  (please note that it will ask for your shipping info…we  are not actually shipping out the JP shirts you will get them in person)


Jerusalem Project Schedule

Theme nights for the worship services are as follows:

Monday – ‘Merica Monday

Tuesday – Neon Night

Wednesday – Twinsday Night

Thursday – Throw Back Thursday

Friday – JP Shirt Night

Don’t forget to bring a hoodie or a jacket each night for worship.  It gets really cold in there at night.

NIGHTLY WORSHIP SERVICES ARE OPEN TO EVERYONE THAT WANTS TO ATTEND! All ages! Even if you are not a participant in JP.  Parents, I’d encourage you to come out and attend with us if you can.


Lunch is provided 12:00-1:00 at Broad River Electric Mon-Thurs.  Lunch will be at Gaffney High School on Friday.

Dinners will be at 5:30 p.m. at the following churches:

Monday – Corinth

Tuesday – Macedonia

Wednesday – Temple

Thursday – Grassy Pond

Friday – dinner on your own


We will be leaving each morning from Corinth Baptist Church at 7:15 a.m. Monday – Thursday.  Friday we will leave at 9:15 a.m.  If it is easier for you to be dropped off/picked up at Broad River Electric then that is great.  It will make it easier for us to transport with just the two buses.

Here is what the schedule will look like for Monday – Thursday:

  • 7:15 am leave CBC for BRE
  • 7:45 am leave BRE for job sites
  • 12:00-1:00 pm is lunch (varies depending on when crews return from job site)
  • 1:30 pm we will return to CBC for pickup.
  • 1:30 – 5:00 Afternoon is off for your time.  If you need arrangements made for this time (parents working etc.) then let me know.
  • 5:00 pm we leave CBC for dinner at each church.
  • 6:30 pm doors open at Broad River Electric.  If you are just coming to the night meetings we sit on the right hand side when facing the stage.
  • 7:00 pm night meeting begins.  Speaker is Rob Wilton (awesome speaker) and the band is the Ross Armstrong Band.
  • 9:00 pm night meeting is over (this is approximate as it depends on the band and the speaker).

The Friday schedule is different.  We will leave CBC for BRE at 9:15.  Testimony service will begin at 10 am.  Afterwards we will go to Gaffney High for lunch then stage out in waves to head over to the Big E for games/movies/bowling.  More information on Friday will be provided mid-week.



  • Shorts no shorter than the tip of the index finger when standing, sitting, walking, etc. No cheer shorts.
  • No spaghetti straps. All straps at least one inch in width.
  • No midriff showing.
  • No offensive slogans or profanity on clothing.
  • Closed toe shoes must be worn.


  • Shirts worn at all times.
  • No sagging pants.
  • No offensive slogans or profanity on clothing.
  • Closed toes shoes must be worn.

Please remember that Jerusalem Project is a mission experience. Participants are on a mission at all times.

Jerusalem Project Gaffney