Those who say that they live in him must live the same way he lived.
1 John 2:6
Goodbye Lesson for Alien Youth Army
When Paul had finished speaking, he knelt down with all of them and prayed. They all wept as they embraced him and kissed him. What grieved them most was his statement that they would never see his face again. Then they accompanied him to the ship. —Acts 20:36-37...

Christians Response To ISIS Is Forgiveness
Christians Response To ISIS Is Forgiveness In the past 15 months, the religious extremists known as ISIS have been making news headlines on a consistent basis…and none of it for anything good. You know it's become a mainstream issue when Saturday Night Live is doing...

Genealogy of Jesus – Matthew 1:1-18
http://gty.im/158008016 Christmas means that no matter who you come from or what you’ve done, God can still use you. About this time every year, your mailbox starts to fill with card and letters from people who you rarely talk to, but that is because we all want to...
Parents: 52 Conversation Starters for Thanksgiving Meal
Parents: Here is a free pdf guide you can download and use to jump start conversations with your teens during your Thanksgiving Meal! Click on the link below to download the list: 52-Dinner-Discussions http://gty.im/3242380...

Falling Plates – Romans 5:6-11 Lesson
Falling Plates - Romans 5:6-11 lesson from Wednesday October 5, 2015. This lesson was designed from a question Pastor Dwight had me ask the youth last Wednesday night: "What do you have to do to go to Heaven?". Lesson intro video for the night: Falling Plates is a...

Great first night at See You At The Pole!
It was a great time coming together last night! Thanks for being a part. I’m always so proud of our kids for being involved in a BIG GOD THING like SEE YOU AT THE POLE! It’s so good to be together w/all the other youth groups at the rallies and, then, watch the...

See You at the Pole Sept 20-23 2015 Information
See You at the Pole Sept 20-23 2015 Information T-shirt orders will be arriving sometime this week. All monies are due at time of delivery if you haven't already paid your $10 per shirt. As far as schedule goes, it is basically the same each night. We'll leave for...

A Son’s Powerful Story of His Mother’s Suicide, Love, Addiction, and Depression #wspd15
A Son's Powerful Story of His Mother's Suicide, Love, Addiction, and Depression #wspd15 In all of my studying, research, and curating on the topic of suicide in preparation for speaking to students about suicide prevention, this story has been the most moving to me....

National Suicide Prevention Week #nspw15 #wspd15
World Suicide Prevention Day is this Thursday. We'll be covering this topic Wednesday night. We'll end the night with a "card". Simply this, I ask that you come prepared to write something down on a notecard (we'll have them there) in one of three ways: -First and...

Jerusalem Project 2015 – Information and Updates
Jerusalem Project 2015 - Information and Updates Friday Update: Cost for Friday Fun Day will be $11.00. In the past JP has offset this cost, but this year the jobs used all the money (plus some). The $11 gets you a movie ticket (Minions starting at 12:00), a small...